CIME understand and appreciate the trust and confidence you place in us, we take our obligation to maintain the confidentiality and security of your personal information.
I give my express consent to CIME to use my personal information across to the supply chain according with the following nine points:
- MANAGEMENT: all personal information collected from our customers is handle by our traffic department. This will be filed, and storage for no longer than 5 years, at the end of this period will be destroyed.
NOTICE: This Privacy Notice and any change in this Notice will be available for consulting in the section of “Data Privacy Notice”.
Collecting personal information from you is essential to our ability to offer you high-quality removal services. We need to collected personal information according to the services hired.
- CHOICE AND CONSENT: CIME obtains implicit consent to collected, used, retained and disclosed its customer’s personal information to provide the services we have been hired for, unless their express the contrary.
- COLLECTION: Personal information will be collect only for services we have been hired for, and it will be collect by the sales department and international moving coordinators. We restrict the access to your personal information to employees that need to provide services to you.
- USE, RETENTION, AND DISPOSAL: CIME limits the use of personal information to the purpose identified in the notice and for which the individual has provided implicit consent. According with the Mexican law, we need to maintain our business records for 5 years, it will be storage in our facilities, and at the end of this period those files will be destroyed.
ARCO RIGHTS AND ACCESS: The ARCO rights are part of the Mexican Law and can be used by the owners of the information such as customers, agents or suppliers to the following propose:
- Access: to know what kind of their personal information CIME has been used and for what purpose.
- Amended: to update or amended their information.
- Deleted: to eliminate their personal information from our records or files as long as their information have been used inadequately.
- Opposition: to object the use of their private information.
- DISCLOSURE TO THIRD PARTIES: We do not disclose our customer’s information to any third party, except to those ones who need it to know in order to complete our services obligations. Third parties can be, customs brokers, freight brokers, agents in other countries.
- SECURITY FOR PRIVACY: CIME protect personal information against unauthorized access (physical and logical).
- QUALITY: Traffic and quality department have to assure the correct handle of private information, from our partners, customers and suppliers, also to keep it update, complete, accurate and relevant for the business propose.
- MONITORING AND ENFORCEMENT CIME monitors compliance with its privacy policies and procedures. Any complain will be solve according with the Data Private Notice Manual.
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Charter
Cuadro Anti-Soborno y corrupción
Never engage in any form of bribery, either directly or through any third party.
No ser partícipe de algún tipo de soborno, ya sea directa o indirectamente.
Never offer or make an improper payment or authorize an improper payment (cash or otherwise) to any individual, including any local or foreign official anywhere in the world.
No ofrecer u autorizar pagos inapropiados (sobornos) ya sea en efectivo u otra modalidad a funcionarios nacionales o extranjeros.
Never attempt to induce an individual, or a local or foreign official to act illegally or improperly
No inducir a oficiales nacionales o extranjeros a actuar ilegalmente o inapropiadamente.
Never offer, or accept, money or anything of value, such as gifts, kickbacks or commissions, in connection with the procurement of business or the award of a contract.
Nunca ofrecer, aceptar dinero u otro tipo de artículo de valor como regalos, sobornos, comisiones, etc., para recibir un trato favorable o beneficioso en un negocio o contrato.
Never offer or give any gift or token of hospitality to any public employee or government official or representative if there is any expectation or implication for a return favor
Nunca ofrecer, dar un regalo o bien dar muestra de hospitalidad a funcionarios públicos, si esto implica tráfico de influencias o retorno de favores.
Never accept any gift from any business partner if there is any suggestion that a return favor will be expected or implied.
No aceptar algún tipo de regalo o presente proveniente de un colega o compañero de trabajo, cuando éste implique o sugiera la necesidad de regresar el favor (tráfico de influencias).
Never facilitate payments to obtain a level of service which one would not normally be entitled to.
No ofrecer pagos a cambio de un servicio que normalmente no se da, o bien, no se tiene derecho a recibir.
Never disregard or fail to report any indication of improper payments to the appropriate authorities.
Denunciar/Reportar si se comete sobornos o pagos indebidos a las autoridades.
Never induce or assist another individual to break any applicable law or regulation
No inducir o ayudar a alguien a actuar contra la legislación aplicable.
Anti-Trust Charter
By agreeing and committing to this Charter, each partner undertakes to:
- Never make direct or indirect (via third parties including agents, suppliers or customers) contact with an actual or potential competitor or other third party, the object of which is to engage in cartel behavior.
Never propose or reach an agreement, whether directly or indirectly, formally or informally, with actual or potential competitors, regarding any sensitive competition-related issues, including:
- Fixing prices
- Dividing or sharing markets, customers or territories
- Rigging a competitive bidding process
- Report any indication or initiative of improper anticompetitive business conduct by an actual or potential competitor in accordance to your internal reporting procedure, including but not limited to, reporting to your legal department and/or to the relevant Anti-Trust authorities.
- Not to participate in a meeting of a trade association in which sensitive competition-related issues are discussed. If such subjects are raised during a meeting, employees of FIDI Affiliates must immediately ask for the discussion to end. If not, they must leave the meeting and ask for that to be noted in the minutes of the meeting.
- Ensure that all internal and external correspondence, including e-mails and texts, and documents, discussions and public statements do not contain any statements that might be misinterpreted by third parties or Anti-Trust authorities and courts in the context of a potential Anti-Trust investigation.
- Maintain independent judgment in pricing or selling of any products and/or services.
- Limit any information discussed during commercial negotiations, with or disclosed to competitors or other third parties, to that which is strictly necessary for completing or assessing the transaction.
I confirm that I have read and understood the FIDI Anti-Trust Charter. I accept and agree to abide by this Charter and the Code of Conduct.
I understand and accept that participating in a cartel, as described in this Charter, in a final decision of a competent authority, is considered as non-compliance with this Anti-Trust Charter.